Aircrack-ng is a whole suite of tools for Wireless Security Auditing. It can be used to monitor, test, crack or attack Wireless Security Protocols like WEP, WPA, WPA2. Aircrack-ng is command line based and is available for Windows and Mac OS and other Unix based Operating systems. Aircrack-ng is easy to install in Ubuntu using APT. Depending on the driver and distribution, you must install the full kernel sources as well. The same gcc version that was used to compile your kernel. At least make sure that the first two version numbers or the compiler are the same (e.g. It's OK to use gcc 3.4.6 to compile the driver if the kernel was compiled by gcc 3.4.2).

EasyPup, a blend of classical-Puppy and EasyOS

EasyPup is a blend of 'classical Puppy' with EasyOS. EasyOS originally derived from Puppy, but is a complete redesign, based on use of containers. EasyPup may be considered as a traditional Puppy, but with many enhancements of EasyOS, sans container support.
Regarding the 'Puppy part' of EasyPup, EasyPup is built with WoofQ, not with WoofCE. The latter is the build system used to create the latest official releases of Puppy. They both forked from Woof2 in 2013, and the Puppy-components of WoofQ have pretty much stayed as they were in 2013. So the Puppy-related infrastructure is a 'classical Puppy'.
Having said that, the 'EasyOS part' of WoofQ has brought considerable enhancements to the infrastructure, quite different from WoofCE. For example, audit-tracking of installed packages, and hardware profiling for video and sound. There is a web page that has a table listing how and why EasyOS is different ( That table is reproduced here, with the features not in EasyPup greyed-out:

EasyOS is designed from scratch to support containers. Any app can run in a container, in fact an entire desktop can run in a container. Container management is by a simple GUI, no messing around on the commandline. The container mechanism is named Easy Containers, and is designed from scratch (Docker, LXC, etc are not used). Easy Containers are extremely efficient, with almost no overhead -- the base size of each container is only several KB.
Totally isolated running in RAM
The boot menu has an option 'Copy session to RAM & disable drives', which boots to a desktop with power of administrator (root) in all respects except totally isolated from the drives of the PC. This is an alternative to using containers, and is intended to be even more secure than containers. An introduction is here.
Run as root
This is controversial, however, it is just a different philosophy. The user runs as administrator (root), apps may optionally run as user 'spot' or in containers as a 'crippled root' or user 'zeus'. The practical outcome is that you never have to type 'sudo' or 'su' to run anything, nor get hung up with file permissions.
Deprecated ISO
Optical media is a legacy format. Very few desktop PCs are sold these days, it is mostly laptops, and most of those do not have optical drives. Easy is provided as an image file that can be written to any Flash-stick of 2GB or greater (and will auto-grow to fill the drive). Or, the file can be opened up and directly installed to internal hard drive.
However, an ISO live-CD is still offered, with session-save capability, mostly to cater for those users who have a computer that will not boot from USB.
No full install
In a traditional 'full' installation, the filesystem occupies an entire partition, with the usual /etc, /bin, /usr, /proc, /sys, /tmp, etc. Easy does not install like this.
Easy installs to hard drive in what we call 'frugal' mode, which occupies just one folder in a partition, allowing to co-exist with whatever else the partition is used for.
Roll-back, roll-forward
With Easy, you can take a snapshot, and later on roll-back to it. Then, you can roll-forward. This can work across version changes, kernel changes. This mechanism applies to the main filesystem as well as the containers.
Atomic version upgrade
Unlike distributions that perform version upgrade on an error-prone per-package basis, Easy is upgraded by replacing three files. Thus, successful upgrade is 'guaranteed'. This is analogous to 'atomic transactions' in finance. Read more here.
SFS mega-packages
Easy supports SFS mega-packages, which are lots of packages bundled into one file, which is named with '.sfs' extension. These never get extracted, when in use they are mounted in the aufs or overlay layered filesystem, and can be uninstalled just by removing. For example, there is devx_<version>_amd64.sfs, which has everything required for compiling and debugging. There is also kernel source SFS, and so on. SFSs make life very simple!
Package manager audit trail
PETget, the traditional package manager, maintains an audit-trail. One outcome, if install a package that overwrites an existing file, the 'deposed' files are kept (see /audit/deposed) and restored if the package is uninstalled. Read more here.
Run anything in containers
SFS files and containers, combined, are very powerful. You can even run other Linux distributions. For example, Puppy Linux Xenialpup 7.5.
pup_event service manager
Easy uses the Busybox 'init' system, no systemd! To provide management of services with dependences, there is pup_event, a simple extension to the init-system. For example, a daemon could be brought up only when network is active. pup_event also provides an extremely flexible and simple IPC mechanism, pup_event_ipc.
GUIs for everything
The objective is that everything in Easy be configured by simple GUIs, without having to fiddle about on the commandline. This includes management of SFS files, Easy Containers and pup_event.
Non-standard hierarchies
When someone boots up Easy, they will see that the menu (bottom-left of screen) is totally different from what they are accustomed to. Ditto the folder hierarchy. The thing is, keep an open mind -- it is very easy to adjust, and there are solid reasons for the differences.
JWM-ROX desktop
Everyone knows about Gnome, KDE, Mate, XFCE and LXDE desktops, very few are aware of JWM-ROX. This has been used by Puppy Linux since around 2004, and is an extremely lightweight (fast) yet powerful desktop. JWM is a window manager, and ROX is the ROX-Filer file-manager and desktop handler. They work extremely well together, and are the choice for Easy.
The 'working-partition' has folders that may optionally be encrypted. These folders are everything, all your work, downloads, history. etc. Encryption is by fscrypt, uses AES-256, and requires that a password must be entered at bootup.
x86_64 and aarch64
In theory, as Easy is built from WoofQ, it can use any binary packages, i686 for example. However, each architecture requires time and effort to support, so Easy releases are only x86_64 and aarch64 builds. In the latter case, may target RPi3&4 and Rock64 boards.
Network interfaces not renamed
Easy keeps the kernel-assigned interface names, eth0, wlan0, etc., does not rename them to something weird such as 'enp2s0', as do most distributions. Easy network management has no problem with keeping track of the correct interface, even if the kernel-assigned names change.
Drive names not renamed
Ditto. The kernel-assigned names for drives and partitions are retained. For example drive sda and partition sda1.
Hardware profiling
Currently for video and audio. Boot EasyOS from a USB-stick on different computers, and automatically remembers the setup for that hardware. videoaudio
Puppy heritage
Barry Kauler created Puppy Linux in 2003, turned it over to the 'Puppy community' in 2013. It is only natural that a lot of 'puppyisms' can be found in Easy, though, it must be stated that Easy is also very different, and should not be thought of as a fork of Puppy. Inherited features include the JWM-ROX desktop, menu-hierarchy, run-as-root, SFS layered filesystem, PET packages, and dozens of apps developed for Puppy.

Narrowing it down a bit more, EasyPup differs from the official WoofCE-built puppies in that it has these EasyOS enhancements:

  1. Package manager audit-trail
  2. pup_event service manager
  3. Hardware profiling
...well, that is an understatement, just mentioning the 'big ticket' items. WoofQ has travelled its own path since forking from Woof2 in 2013, and there are a myriad of changes, some very small, that differentiate from WoofCE.
Which one to choose, EasyOS or EasyPup? EasyOS is where the exciting action is, however, if you have used one of the other puppies and would like to stay in that fold, you could give EasyPup a go.Install Aircrack On Puppy Linux Install


Download EasyPup from here:

Documentation on 'classical-Puppy':

The main Puppy Linux site:

Aircrack Ng Linux

The main Puppy Linux forum:

The main EasyOS site:

Tags: linux

Puppy Linux desktop

Puppy Linux is a free Linux operating system that is very easy to use. It has an interface that is similar to Windows and so is easy to learn for Windows users. It makes a good Windows replacement, especially on old Windows XP hardware.


Puppy Linux is a very lightweight operating system that loads entirely into your PC's RAM. This makes it very fast, even on older computers. Its system requirements are low, too, which makes it compatible with old hardware.

Being Linux-based, Puppy Linux has very few issues with malware or spyware and is very stable. It is free software, issued under free licenses.

Puppy supports dial-up on external hardware modems very well and, best of all for dial up users, each release has no system updates to download.

Puppy Linux comes with a web browser, a word processor, text editor, spreadsheet and many other applications most users need. It also has dozens of additional free software applications available at no charge, that can be installed.

  • 4Using Puppy Linux


Puppy Linux can be used for several purposes:

  • As a traditional desktop for getting work done on a desktop tower, laptop or netbook computer
  • As a tool for recovering data, by booting to Puppy Linux and clicking on the icon for the hard drive and then copying documents onto an external device, such as a USB drive
  • As a tool for testing hardware

Getting Puppy Linux

If your computer has a DVD drive you can pick up a Puppy Linux DVD at the NCF office or download the ISO file from and burn it to a DVD yourself with an ISO writer. If your computer does not have an optical drive, you can run it from a USB drive, as described below.

Puppy Linux actually does not need to be 'installed' like a traditional operating system, instead it is normally run it from a DVD or a USB device. It all loads into your computer's RAM for use and the settings and documents all saved at the end of the session. You can run it on a Windows computer, without changing the Windows installation on the hard drive. In fact Puppy can be run on a computer that doesn't even have a hard drive installed.

This article explains why it is best to not install Puppy like a traditional operating system and gives information on using it from a DVD, USB device or for a traditional installation: How NOT to install Puppy Linux.

With applications such as LibreOffice installed you will be able to open and edit your existing documents on your new operating system. Most commons formats, like .doc, .docx, xls, ppt, .pps, .txt, .pdf, etc, are no problem. You can try this out by just booting to Puppy, or, if you are unsure, you can ask on the NCF Free Software Discussion Group. That group is also a good place to ask general questions about Puppy Linux and Linux in general.

Minimum System Requirements

Puppy has been tested on very old PCs but the best results for the current standard release of Puppy Linux to run at a reasonable pace have been achieved with:

  • CPU : Pentium 900 MHz
  • RAM : 300 MB RAM
  • Hard Drive : Optional
  • DVD-ROM : 20x and up or USB

Using Puppy Linux

This explains how to use Puppy Linux from a Windows PC:

Run Puppy Linux (if you have a DVD already)

Install aircrack windows 10

Ubuntu Install Aircrack Ng

  1. Complete a back-up of your bookmarks
  2. Boot to Puppy Linux (many computers require entering the computer set-up on boot to allow it to boot to a DVD before the hard drive)
  3. You can access your existing documents from the hard drive, by clicking on the icon on the bottom of the desktop.
  4. Install bookmarks in Firefox Ctrl-Shift-O → Import and back up
  5. Add desired applications from the 'Install' icon on the desktop or by downloading .pet files directly from the Puppy repositories.
  6. Once you have it running you can create a USB to run it from instead of a DVD, by clicking on 'Install' on the desktop.

Run Puppy Linux from your own DVD

  1. Download the Puppy Linux ISO file from the Puppy repositories
  2. Download the ISO recorder at
  3. Verify the integrity of the downloaded ISO file by comparing its SHA256 sum to the one for your release on This ensures that the ISO has not been compromised or corrupted.
  4. Launch the ISO recorder and use it to burn the ISO image to your DVD
  5. Complete a back-up of your bookmarks
  6. Boot to Puppy Linux (many computers require entering the computer set-up on boot to allow it to boot to a DVD before the hard drive)
  7. You can access your existing documents from the hard drive, by clicking on the icon on the bottom of the desktop.
  8. Install bookmarks in Firefox Ctrl-Shift-O → Import and back up
  9. Add desired applications from the 'Install' icon on the desktop or by downloading .pet files directly from the Puppy repositories.
  10. Once you have it running you can create a USB to run it from instead of a DVD, by clicking on 'Install' on the desktop.

Puppy Linux installation (with your own USB)

  1. Download the Puppy Linux ISO file from https://Puppy
  2. Download the UNetBootIn ISO USB recorder at
  3. Verify the integrity of the downloaded ISO file by comparing its SHA256 sum to the one for your release on This ensures that the ISO has not been compromised or corrupted.
  4. Launch UNetBootIn ISO USB recorder and use it to unpack the ISO image onto your USB
  5. Complete a back-up of your bookmarks
  6. Boot to Puppy Linux (many computers require entering the computer set-up on boot to allow it to boot to a DVD before the hard drive)
  7. You can access your existing documents from the hard drive, by clicking on the icon on the bottom of the desktop.
  8. Install bookmarks in Firefox Ctrl-Shift-O → Import and back up
  9. Add desired applications from the 'Install' icon on the desktop or by downloading .pet files directly from the Puppy repositories.

Install Aircrack On Puppy Linux Install Hard Drive

See also

Puppy Linux Install Hard Drive

External links

Aircrack Ubuntu

  • Linux forum help with Puppy Linux

How To Install Aircrack Ng

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