Your Apple Macbook has just been stolen from your home. All your personal information, pictures, videos, etc. are gone and now in the hands of some thief. There are a lot of things going through your mind and the thought that your personal security has been breached devastates your piece of mind.

Take heart. Dry your eyes. It’s time to start hunting for your stuff using these tips provided by SimpliSafe home security.

But you can protect yourself—for free—by periodically checking your property record on the website of your county’s register of deeds. If you just post your stolen property on a classified site like Craigslist, your listing will expire in a couple of weeks. On Stolen 911 your stolen item will be listed and searchable for 5 years. If it’s not recovered, you can list it again free each year until it’s located.

First Things First: Call the Police!

If you have been the victim of burglary or theft, calling the police should be your first move. The police may come to your home and investigate. If they catch the thieves, you’ll have a better chance of getting your stuff back.

Be sure to file a police report and provide as much detail as possible about your stolen goods, such as: number of stolen items with their descriptions, serial numbers (if applicable), photos, or any information of who may have taken them.

Stay on top of your case: call weekly to see if the police have made any progress in finding your stuff. There will be TONS of similar cases open. Be a squeaky wheel.

Pawn Stars

When a burglar needs to unload an item for some quick cash, their usual first stop is the pawn shop.

You will probably have to search all the pawn shops in your town and surrounding towns. Searching pawn shops immediately after the theft will boost your chances of finding your stolen goods.

Quick Tip: If you do find your item in a pawn shop, don’t tell the shop it’s yours. Remember the shop has already paid money for the item which they will lose if the item is in fact stolen. Act interested in the item, ask the shop to hold it for you, and then leave the shop to call the police. When the police show up, provide an officer with your police report and let them take care of the rest.

Craigslist: A Surplus of Stolen Goods

A thief can easily sell your stolen goods online on Craigslist or Ebay, and the buyer would be none the wiser. It’s actually a successful tool for a thief and also an easy source to rake in cash off your property.

Free Stolen Vehicle Check

I recently stumbled onto a valuable resource that can help you recover your stolen goods. Stolen911 created a custom Google search engine to find your stolen property on Craigslist.

Here's how it works:

Enter the type in the make and model into the search field. The search engine crawls all of Craiglist ads to see if anyone is selling something similar to your stolen stuff. Not only does it search your local area, it searches all states and cities. is an easy way to get stolen property indexed by the major search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.

Searching for your stolen property on Craigslist can increase your chance of recovering your stolen items. For example, This woman went on Craigslist and worked with officers to find $6,650 of property stolen from her home.

Social Media Can Help Recover Stolen Property

Lately, I have been seeing news reports and articles of theft victims recovering their stolen items via social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Facebook users helped a woman in England find her stolen car. Believe it or not, even golf carts and canoes have been recovered with the help of the internet.

About four months ago, a buddy of mine’s car was broken into and someone had stolen his expensive stereo system. I immediately told him to post his experience on Facebook, and he did. About three days later, he had received a message from a mutual friend on Facebook letting him know that he might have known the person who broke into his car. The mutual friend said he was looking through Craigslist and found the exact same stereo system that my friend had described in his post. Long story short, my friend ended up finding the culprit who broke into his car!

Going this route is a long shot but it’s worth a try. There are a lot of good people out there in your social media network that will share your terrible experience with others and hopefully, help you recover your property.

One Final Suggestion

At the end of the day, there is no guarantee that you will successfully recover your stolen property, but the suggestions mentioned above have been proven to work for some. In order to avoid having your valuables taken from your home, it’s always a good idea to have a home security system in place.

  • Filing a false police report is a crime. Anyone filing a false police report may be prosecuted under California Penal Code section 148.5 PC. Filing a false police report is punishable by imprisonment in county jail not exceeding 6 months, or by fine not exceeding $1,000, or by both.

Start An Online Police Report in:English | Spanish - Español

Read about California Penal Code Section 148.5 PC

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Check For Stolen Property

If your incident did not meet the criteria for online reporting, please dial 1-877-ASK-LAPD (Toll Free)

(1-877-275-5273) (Voice and TDD/TTY) for Non-Emergency Police Response.

Welcome to the Los Angeles Police Department Community Online Reporting Service. Using this service allows you to submit select police reports at your convenience.

Check For Stolen Property

Types of Crime Reports That Can Be Filed Online:
  • Harassing Phone Calls: Any person who repeatedly, with the intent to annoy, telephones or makes contact by means of an electronic communication. For example, immediate hang-ups, obscene language, emails, text messages with no known suspects.
  • Lost Property: Personal property that was unintentionally left by its true owner. For example, property left behind at an unknown location or left behind with no attempt to retrieve it.
  • Vandalism: Any person who maliciously damages, destroys or defaces the property of another person. For example, knocking over a mailbox, spray painting a wall, or throwing a rock through a window.
  • Theft: Personal property taken from a publicly accessible location. For example, a package is taken from your porch; or, you left your wallet behind in a restaurant, but when you attempted to go back to retrieve it, the wallet was no longer there.
  • Theft from Vehicle: Theft from an unlocked or locked vehicle.
  • Hit and Run: Damage caused by another vehicle in which the driver should have left information or fled the scene without stopping to provide information.

How To Find Stolen Property

To File an Illegal Dumping Report Online:

  • Illegal Dumping: Willfully or intentionally depositing, dropping, dumping, placing, or throwing onto public or private property. Illegal dumping is reported and handled by the City of Los Angeles Department of Sanitation. Please' target='_blank'>click here to file a report.

Your incident must meet the following criteria:

  • The incident is not an emergency.
  • The incident occurred within the City of Los Angeles.
  • You must be at least 18 years old.
  • No one was injured as a result of this incident.
  • There are no known suspects.
  • The incident did not occur on the state highway.
  • No firearms were involved in the incident.
  • You must have internet access and an email address.

Once you have submitted your report:

  • You will immediately receive a temporary report number and be able to print a copy of the report you just made.
  • All incidents reported using the Community Online Reporting Service will be reviewed, on average once every 24 hours (possibly longer on weekends and holidays), and upon approval will become an official police report.
  • If further investigation of your reported incident is needed, you will be contacted by email or telephone.
  • Once the report has been approved, a LAPD report number will be issued and a copy of the final report will be emailed back to you.
  • The approval process may take up to five business days. If you do not receive an email of the final report within five business days, please call your local police station. Please click here to look up your Community Police Station and then click on the Division name to see the address and phone number.
  • Supplemental Reports cannot be filed online. To add any additional information, please wait until you have received your final report with a LAPD report number and call your local police station to speak with the detective assigned to your case.

Please note:

  • Filing a false police report is a crime. Anyone filing a false police report may be prosecuted under California Penal Code section 148.5 PC. Filing a false police report is punishable by imprisonment in county jail not exceeding 6 months, or by fine not exceeding $1,000, or by both.

Start An Online Police Report in:English | Spanish - Español

Read about California Penal Code Section 148.5 PC

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If your incident did not meet the criteria for online reporting, please dial 1-877-ASK-LAPD (Toll Free)

(1-877-275-5273) (Voice and TDD/TTY) for Non-Emergency Police Response.

Vin Check For Stolen Vehicle

The Community Online Reporting Service (CORS) is ADA compliant and follows the U. S. Federal standards set forth in the 'Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards' (Section 508).