This is a world you can use to test the mods you create using the 'Space Engineers SoundBlock Mod Maker'. The 'Space Engineers SoundBlock Mod Maker' Is a small program that I created that takes care of all the difficult parts of creating a mod that adds sounds to the SoundBlock. Using this program is as easy as One, Two, Three. Updated on March 14th, 2020 by Drew Ferguson: Space Engineers still seems to be going strong, and players still seem to be creating quality mods for the space sandbox game. There is always something new to do in Space Engineers because of the open-ended nature of it; as a wise man once said, 'There's always a bigger fish.'
//If the argument is not working check to see that all spelling and formatting is correct
//as well as that all blocks belong to you. Also that the name you are using for the blocks
//is sufficiently unique (egs. the name 'light' will affect anything named 'Spotlight' as well
//If after checking these things it still doesn't work then let me know the block and the
//argument used and I will see if I can fix the problem.
//List Of Valid Slider Inputs, To use these you must follow format below
// (Slider name from list:Value to set slider to/Name of blocks to affect)
List<string> sliderList = new List<string>()
'Radius', //Antenna, Beacon, Lights, Spherical Gravity Generator
'Yaw', //Gyroscope
'Roll', //Gyroscope
'Width', //Gravity Generator
'BreakForce', //Landing Gear
'ChangeIntervalSlider', //LCD
'Intensity', //Lights
'Blink Length', //Lights
'X', //Projector
'Z', //Projector
'RotY', //Projector
'Velocity', //Piston, Rotors
'LowerLimit', //Piston, Rotors
'BrakingTorque', //Rotors
'Left', //Sensor
'Top', //Sensor
'Back', //Sensor
'VolumeSlider', //Sound Block
'LoopableSlider', //Sound Block
'Friction', //Space Ball
'Override', //Thrusters
'Range', //Turrets
'MaxSteerAngle', //Wheels
'SteerReturnSpeed', //Wheels
'Strength', //Wheels
'Travel', //Wheels
//List of Valid Action Inputs, To use these you must follow format below
// (Action name from list/Name of blocks to affect)
List<string> actionList = new List<string>()
'OnOff', //Most
'OnOff_Off', //Most
'ShowInToolbarConfig', //Most
'UseConveyor', //Everything that can Use a conveyor... duh
'Depressurize_On', //Air Vent
'EnableBroadCast', //Antenna, SpaceBall
'slaveMode', //Assembler
'SemiAuto', //Battery
'ControlThrusters', //Cockpits, Cryo Chamber
'HandBrake', //Cockpits, Cryo Chamber
'DampenersOverride', //Cockpits, Cryo Chamber
'CollectAll', //Connector
'Unlock', //Connector, Landing Gear
'AutoLock', //Connector, Landing Gear
'Open', //Door, Hanger Door
'Open_Off', //Door, Hanger Door
'Idle', //Lazer Antenna
'ConectGPS', //Lazer Antenna
'BroadcastUsingAntennas', //Ore Detector
'Auto-Refill', //Oxygen Tank, Oxygen Generator
'Stockpile_On', //Oxygen Tank
'Run', //Programing Block
'KeepProjection', //Projector
'Extend', //Piston
'Reverse', //Rotors, Pistons
'Attach', //Rotors
'DockingMode_On', //Remote Controle
'AutoPilot', //Remote Controle
'AutoPilot_Off', //Remote Controle
'Detect Players_On', //Sensor
'Detect Floating Objects', //Sensor
'Detect Floating Objects_Off', //Sensor
'Detect Small Ships_On', //Sensor
'Detect Large Ships', //Sensor
'Detect Large Ships_Off', //Sensor
'Detect Stations_On', //Sensor
'Detect Asteroids', //Sensor
'Detect Asteroids_Off', //Sensor
'Detect Owner_On', //Sensor
'Detect Friendly', //Sensor
'Detect Friendly_Off', //Sensor
'Detect Neutral_On', //Sensor
'Detect Enemy', //Sensor
'Detect Enemy_Off', //Sensor
'AudibleProximityAlert', //Sensor (may not work)
'StopSound', //Sound Block
'Start', //Timer Block
'EnableIdleMovement', //Turrets
'EnableIdleMovement_Off', //Turrets
'Shoot_On', //Turrets, Rocket Launcher
'ShootOnce', //Turrets, Rocket Launcher
'TargetMeteors_On', //Turrets
'TargetMoving', //Turrets
'TargetMoving_Off', //Turrets
'TargetMissiles_On', //Turrets
'TargetSmallShips', //Turrets
'TargetSmallShips_Off', //Turrets
'TargetLargeShips_On', //Turrets
'TargetCharactors', //Turrets
'TargetCharactors_Off', //Turrets
'TargetStations_On', //Turrets
'StartCountdown', //WarHead
'Safety', //Warhead
'helpOthers', //Welder
'InvertSteering', //Wheels
'ResetHight', //Wheels
void Main(string argument)
IMyTextPanel debugPanel = (IMyTextPanel)GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName('LCD Panel');
List<string> groops = new List<string>();
//Takes the argument and grabs the pieses between the parentheses and stuffs them in the groops list
int start = 0;
while ((start = arg.IndexOf ('(', start)) != -1)
int end = (start >=0) ? arg.IndexOf (')', start) : -1;
string result = (end >= 0) ? arg.Substring(start + 1, end - start - 1) : ';
List<IMyTerminalBlock> selected = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
for (var a = 0; a < groops.Count; a++)
string selectedGroop = groops[a];
List<string> args = new List<string>(selectedGroop.Split('/'));
List<String> sliderApply = new List<string>(toApply.Split(':'));
if (sliderList.Contains (sliderApply[0]) && toApply.Contains (':') ) //applyes slider spec to blocks
var sliderApplyValue = float.Parse(sliderApply[1]);
for (var b = 1; b < args.Count; b++)
string selectedArg = args[b];
GridTerminalSystem.SearchBlocksOfName(selectedArg ,selected);
for (var c = 0; c < selected.Count; c++)
var applyToSelected = selected[c];
applyToSelected.SetValueFloat(toApply, sliderApplyValue);
}else if (actionList.Contains (toApply)) //applyes action to blocks
for (var b = 1; b < args.Count; b++)
string selectedArg = args[b];
GridTerminalSystem.SearchBlocksOfName(selectedArg ,selected);
for (var c = 0; c < selected.Count; c++)
var applyToSelected = selected[c];