Nov 25th, 2015
Recording engineer training

Gavel Block

  1. Check out the collection on steam:
  2. The sound block has been added - it can reproduce predefined sounds such as alarm or siren for announcements. Also, we have replaced the old Skybox with a br.

This is a world you can use to test the mods you create using the 'Space Engineers SoundBlock Mod Maker'. The 'Space Engineers SoundBlock Mod Maker' Is a small program that I created that takes care of all the difficult parts of creating a mod that adds sounds to the SoundBlock. Using this program is as easy as One, Two, Three. Updated on March 14th, 2020 by Drew Ferguson: Space Engineers still seems to be going strong, and players still seem to be creating quality mods for the space sandbox game. There is always something new to do in Space Engineers because of the open-ended nature of it; as a wise man once said, 'There's always a bigger fish.'

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  1. //If the argument is not working check to see that all spelling and formatting is correct
  2. //as well as that all blocks belong to you. Also that the name you are using for the blocks
  3. //is sufficiently unique (egs. the name 'light' will affect anything named 'Spotlight' as well
  4. //If after checking these things it still doesn't work then let me know the block and the
  5. //argument used and I will see if I can fix the problem.
  6. //List Of Valid Slider Inputs, To use these you must follow format below
  7. // (Slider name from list:Value to set slider to/Name of blocks to affect)
  8. List<string> sliderList = new List<string>()
  9. 'Radius', //Antenna, Beacon, Lights, Spherical Gravity Generator
  10. 'Yaw', //Gyroscope
  11. 'Roll', //Gyroscope
  12. 'Width', //Gravity Generator
  13. 'BreakForce', //Landing Gear
  14. 'ChangeIntervalSlider', //LCD
  15. 'Intensity', //Lights
  16. 'Blink Length', //Lights
  17. 'X', //Projector
  18. 'Z', //Projector
  19. 'RotY', //Projector
  20. 'Velocity', //Piston, Rotors
  21. 'LowerLimit', //Piston, Rotors
  22. 'BrakingTorque', //Rotors
  23. 'Left', //Sensor
  24. 'Top', //Sensor
  25. 'Back', //Sensor
  26. 'VolumeSlider', //Sound Block
  27. 'LoopableSlider', //Sound Block
  28. 'Friction', //Space Ball
  29. 'Override', //Thrusters
  30. 'Range', //Turrets
  31. 'MaxSteerAngle', //Wheels
  32. 'SteerReturnSpeed', //Wheels
  33. 'Strength', //Wheels
  34. 'Travel', //Wheels
  35. //List of Valid Action Inputs, To use these you must follow format below
  36. // (Action name from list/Name of blocks to affect)
  37. List<string> actionList = new List<string>()
  38. 'OnOff', //Most
  39. 'OnOff_Off', //Most
  40. 'ShowInToolbarConfig', //Most
  41. 'UseConveyor', //Everything that can Use a conveyor... duh
  42. 'Depressurize_On', //Air Vent
  43. 'EnableBroadCast', //Antenna, SpaceBall
  44. 'slaveMode', //Assembler
  45. 'SemiAuto', //Battery
  46. 'ControlThrusters', //Cockpits, Cryo Chamber
  47. 'HandBrake', //Cockpits, Cryo Chamber
  48. 'DampenersOverride', //Cockpits, Cryo Chamber
  49. 'CollectAll', //Connector
  50. 'Unlock', //Connector, Landing Gear
  51. 'AutoLock', //Connector, Landing Gear
  52. 'Open', //Door, Hanger Door
  53. 'Open_Off', //Door, Hanger Door
  54. 'Idle', //Lazer Antenna
  55. 'ConectGPS', //Lazer Antenna
  56. 'BroadcastUsingAntennas', //Ore Detector
  57. 'Auto-Refill', //Oxygen Tank, Oxygen Generator
  58. 'Stockpile_On', //Oxygen Tank
  59. 'Run', //Programing Block
  60. 'KeepProjection', //Projector
  61. 'Extend', //Piston
  62. 'Reverse', //Rotors, Pistons
  63. 'Attach', //Rotors
  64. 'DockingMode_On', //Remote Controle
  65. 'AutoPilot', //Remote Controle
  66. 'AutoPilot_Off', //Remote Controle
  67. 'Detect Players_On', //Sensor
  68. 'Detect Floating Objects', //Sensor
  69. 'Detect Floating Objects_Off', //Sensor
  70. 'Detect Small Ships_On', //Sensor
  71. 'Detect Large Ships', //Sensor
  72. 'Detect Large Ships_Off', //Sensor
  73. 'Detect Stations_On', //Sensor
  74. 'Detect Asteroids', //Sensor
  75. 'Detect Asteroids_Off', //Sensor
  76. 'Detect Owner_On', //Sensor
  77. 'Detect Friendly', //Sensor
  78. 'Detect Friendly_Off', //Sensor
  79. 'Detect Neutral_On', //Sensor
  80. 'Detect Enemy', //Sensor
  81. 'Detect Enemy_Off', //Sensor
  82. 'AudibleProximityAlert', //Sensor (may not work)
  83. 'StopSound', //Sound Block
  84. 'Start', //Timer Block
  85. 'EnableIdleMovement', //Turrets
  86. 'EnableIdleMovement_Off', //Turrets
  87. 'Shoot_On', //Turrets, Rocket Launcher
  88. 'ShootOnce', //Turrets, Rocket Launcher
  89. 'TargetMeteors_On', //Turrets
  90. 'TargetMoving', //Turrets
  91. 'TargetMoving_Off', //Turrets
  92. 'TargetMissiles_On', //Turrets
  93. 'TargetSmallShips', //Turrets
  94. 'TargetSmallShips_Off', //Turrets
  95. 'TargetLargeShips_On', //Turrets
  96. 'TargetCharactors', //Turrets
  97. 'TargetCharactors_Off', //Turrets
  98. 'TargetStations_On', //Turrets
  99. 'StartCountdown', //WarHead
  100. 'Safety', //Warhead
  101. 'helpOthers', //Welder
  102. 'InvertSteering', //Wheels
  103. 'ResetHight', //Wheels
  104. };
  105. void Main(string argument)
  106. IMyTextPanel debugPanel = (IMyTextPanel)GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName('LCD Panel');
  107. List<string> groops = new List<string>();
  108. //Takes the argument and grabs the pieses between the parentheses and stuffs them in the groops list
  109. int start = 0;
  110. while ((start = arg.IndexOf ('(', start)) != -1)
  111. int end = (start >=0) ? arg.IndexOf (')', start) : -1;
  112. string result = (end >= 0) ? arg.Substring(start + 1, end - start - 1) : ';
  113. }
  114. List<IMyTerminalBlock> selected = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
  115. for (var a = 0; a < groops.Count; a++)
  116. string selectedGroop = groops[a];
  117. List<string> args = new List<string>(selectedGroop.Split('/'));
  118. List<String> sliderApply = new List<string>(toApply.Split(':'));
  119. if (sliderList.Contains (sliderApply[0]) && toApply.Contains (':') ) //applyes slider spec to blocks
  120. var sliderApplyValue = float.Parse(sliderApply[1]);
  121. for (var b = 1; b < args.Count; b++)
  122. string selectedArg = args[b];
  123. GridTerminalSystem.SearchBlocksOfName(selectedArg ,selected);
  124. for (var c = 0; c < selected.Count; c++)
  125. var applyToSelected = selected[c];
  126. applyToSelected.SetValueFloat(toApply, sliderApplyValue);
  127. }
  128. }else if (actionList.Contains (toApply)) //applyes action to blocks
  129. for (var b = 1; b < args.Count; b++)
  130. string selectedArg = args[b];
  131. GridTerminalSystem.SearchBlocksOfName(selectedArg ,selected);
  132. for (var c = 0; c < selected.Count; c++)
  133. var applyToSelected = selected[c];
  134. }
  135. }
  136. }
Space Engineers Sound Block

Space Engineers Sound Block Not Working

Space Engineers Sound Block

Space Engineers Sound Block Multiplayer


Recording Engineer Training