You might find that you have difficulty formatting numbers properly when using Mail Merge in Microsoft Word. This can be a problem if you are calculating numbers in your source (especially when your source is an Excel spreadsheet or Access database). For example, you might have a simple gradebook that averages three grades to get a final grade. If a student has grades of 90, 95, and 99, his average will be 94.66666666666666666.... Excel or Access can easily be set to format the numbers to 1 or 2 decimal places, but that formatting will not necessarily show up in your mail merge document. You do not want to send home a mail merge letter to your student's parents congratulating them on their daughter's outstanding average of 94.66666666667 in your class. The letter would be much better if it congratulated them on their daughter's average of 94.7.


In Word 97, here is what you do:

However, when using Mail Merge in Word 2008 and an Excel xlsx file as data source under OS X 10.6, the file converter will not recognize the file unless the extension.xlsx is actually appended to. I have one of my users who whenever they select the source on mail merge word crashes. Problem signature: Problem Event Name: BEX Application Name: WINWORD.EXE Application Version: 15.0.4871.1000 Application Timestamp: 57ea22a9 Fault Module Name: unknown Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000. Word To Image; Word To HTML; Word Split; TXT To Word/HTML; Word Watermark; Merge Word; Word Replace Text; Excel Convert. Excel To Image; Excel To Word; Excel To Html; Excel To Txt; Excel Encrypt; Merge Excel; Combine WorkSheet; Excel Replace Text; PPT Convert. PPT To Image; PPT To HTML; PPT To PPTX; Image Converter. Thunderbird 68: Mail Merge 6.1.0 is fully compatible with Thunderbird 68! Thunderbird 78: Mail Merge 7.3.1 is fully compatible with Thunderbird 78! Variable(s) in the To field in Thunderbird 78: You must hit 'Enter' or 'Tab' once you have added the variable(s) in the To field. This change is caused by the new 'pills' in Thunderbird 78. Using mail merge, you can easily insert images into the Word Document using an Excel Sheet.Learn, how to add custom images in a Mail Merge document.

(1) Create the mail merge letter as you normally would, include the field for the final grade. Your merged field will look like this: «FinalGrade»

Mail Merge Excel To Word On Mac

(2) Right click your mouse on the field and select the Toggle Field Codes option from the popup menu. Your merged field will now look like this: {MERGEFIELD FinalGrade }. This is the same thing as before; it is merely showing the information to you in a different way.

(3) Next, you need to insert a special code to tell Word 97 that you want to round this off to one decimal place. After the name of the field (FinalGrade) and before the bold close curly bracket, type the following: #0.0

Mail Merge Word For Mac With Excel Converter Not Found One

(4) Your merged field now looks like this: {MERGEFIELD FinalGrade #0.0}. This will round your number to one decimal place, so in the above example the number will be 94.7. If you want to round to two decimal places, use #0.00 in your merge field. If you want the number to have a dollar sign before it (for anything that is money), use #$# in your merge field. If you want commas in your number, use ##,### in your merge field. If you want dollars, rounded to two decimal places with commas, use #$#,##0.00 in your merge field.

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This page was prepared by Dr. David M. Marcovitz.

Mail Merge Word For Mac With Excel Converter Not Found Error

Last Updated: July 31, 1998