
  1. How To View Deactivated Deviantart Accounts Yahoo
  2. How To View Deactivated Deviantart Accounts Free

Click or tap your profile image. It's near the top-right corner of the page. If you have not selected a profile image for your account, select the image that resembles a person. Nov 25, 2016 A hacker is going around DA deactivating accounts by hacking into their profiles and email addresses. Copy and paste this journal to stop yourself from getting hacked. As soon as the hacker sees this. He will see what’s going on, and won’t hack you. Please save your account and stop this hacker so we don’t lose another DeviantART user.

How To View Deactivated Deviantart Accounts
Jun 15, 2010

How To View Deactivated Deviantart Accounts Yahoo

Login with the email and password Click “Yes, deactivate my account,” and enter your password once again Click “Yes, send me the verification email” You will receive an email in which you will see a green button with the text “Deactivate account”. Deactivated accounts may be reactivated after 48 hours have passed since deactivation, up until 21 days after the original deactivation. You can access the reactivation feature by going to your settings. Please note: once your account passes the 21-day self-reactivation period it cannot be reactivated.

How To View Deactivated Deviantart AccountsAccounts

How To View Deactivated Deviantart Accounts Free

Hi everyone,
I feel literally sick to my stomach I might throw up, but I recently (that is, just a few hours ago), created an account on I only did so because I wanted to leave a comment under someone's work asking if they'd mind my sharing it elsewher (you don't have to kick me for being stupid and not checking, I'm doing that to myself already after later seeing I could've done that without asking ) but ANYWAY, after later realising this, I had no need for the account and wished to delete it.
To my shock the website says you can't delete an account only deactivate it, by which it will delete any content on the page but you can go back and reactivate it within 48 hours (see 'explanation' here).
I feel like crying because I usually do such a good job of housekeeping my online presence and I let myself down and didn't check beforehand. Now I am faced with a whole account I LITERALLY don't want anymore and can't delete, because it will now store my associated email address/username which I don't want it to have.
I have sent them HelpDesk requests politely asking/begging for them to delete the account, as I literally haven't done anything with it, just created it for a comment I wish I never even posted, but I haven't heard back yet and I'm feeling absolutely sick and I guess I'm just asking if anyone has any advice for me.
The first (and last) time this has happened to me, the Better Busines Bureau (BBB) were able to assist me in forcing this other problematic website to permanently delete my account, and so I've been super wary since that one incident and have kept safe until today and I'm so upset at myself I could cry While this website's ToS says nothing about whether or not accounts can be deleted, you can see they've explicitly said so elsewhere, and now I don't know what to do. Should I make another request in the same way to the BBB or?? Really hope anyone can help me figure this out, knowing beforehand I'm sadly all too aware of my mistake it makes me feel even worse. Thanks, all,
EDIT: Okay, so I know I'm overthinking this - and to anyone who thinks I'm overreacting, I won't disagree but please don't attack me for this, I panic very deeply and easily about this sort of thing and hate having this sort of thing out of my control, I mistakenly assumed I could delete the account like you can on 99.999% of websites particularly one as big as this (I was wrong), but: I don't know if any of you have an account on but on the 'Account' tab of the profile, you're allowed to change the email address freely (I can't change the username though ) - and this is a LAST resort and I am feeling choked just thinking this but - if the admin are unsympathetic monsters who won't let me delete the account, if I change the email account to another email I don't use, that would put me in the clear right? I mean, would that free me from the account, in your opinions?? Not really, I know :/ So sorry for this mess of a post :'( I really hope I can get some help, thanks as always, all