Many years ago when I was 13 years old, this veteran warhammer 40k player let me borrow a one page short story about the Emperor fighting Horus during the Horus Heresy, on Horus' battle barge. I loved it so much, I decided to write an extended version of it to fill in all the holes my imagination was trying to fill. This is the short story, written over two nights of no sleep. The story changes perspective about midway through, it sometimes throws people off...
The feeling that could only be mistaken as that instant yet eternal moment of death overcomes them as they teleport to Horus battle barge. Darkness. Silence. No heartbeat, no breath, no feeling, just a vanishing echo of existence. But the process was ending before one could ever register it had even begun, their bodies materializing on the ship. Signs of life return to them as they are born again with a single breath-taking gasp, as if pulled naked from icy waters.
Terrible images begin to cascade into their eyes as the last atoms of their being come together and their vision focuses clear. For a blink they stand motionless trying to re-orient themselves with their environment. Their minds are assaulted psychically by tortured eternity-bound spirits held in the hell-ship as mad guardians. Some marines drop to the floor convulsing as their sanity flees them in screams, driven mad by a place where mortal men were never meant to travel.
Demonic voices pull constantly at their thoughts like the fading sirens song, attempting to lure away their sanity. Sanguinus extends his psyche to the minds of his men, calming their thoughts and focusing them to their mission. Hands slowly stop shaking and return to familiar grips on weapons. Pumping adrenaline and rapid pulses lower, the demons voices turn to almost inaudible whispers. Sanguinus examines his surroundings. The force had ported up in with almost a thousand and now only a hundred remain. The Terminators are not to be found among them, but out from the crowd of men come the familiar faces and golden trimmed armor of his bodyguard. Without order the rest of the marines are forming up into five man fire-teams. A lieutenant presents himself and speaks for them, We await your command Lord Sanguinius.
Sanguinius quickly looks over their surroundings. They stand in a vast room, its walls like the inside of a diseased beasts ribcage. Above, the ceiling rises into darkness, and the heavy thump of an unseen heart reverberates the moist nauseating air. A door of rotting flesh contracts and relaxes rhythmically at the far end of the cavity. The ship that once mirrored the splendor of the Seraphims Absolution is now an abomination warped by the twisted wills of evil gods.
There is only one obvious way to go at this point and Sanguinus motions towards it silently as he leads the way, the marines following without question. Their boots sink into putrid flesh, dark blood splashes with each step as they break through the decaying meat. They move quickly and with purpose, rapidly approaching the door. The beat of the heart begins to race. Sanguinus and his men slow and then come to a halt. They look up into the impenetrable darkness in fear. They know that their presence is known, or rather, that their presence has been felt.
The blood that covered the floor begins to rise unnoticed and previously unseen veins begin to bulge all around with the thick blood. The demonic voices that were ever-present intensify. They begin to speak to them personally, to curse them, to address every mans worst fears. Light fades and unnatural darkness surrounds them. Vision becomes limited to the narrow beams their rifle-mounted flashlights can manage. Without command they form circles back to back. Weapons are charged and bolts snap forward.
They stand, frozen in their defensive perimeter. The heart still beats rapidly. All else is silence. They wait for petrifying moments as the sound of a thousand smaller beats grows louder and louder from all sides. Bio-scanners and motion trackers go wild with readings from every direction. The inner blood-light of the living ship covers everything in a faint red hue. Sucking sounds come from all around as figures begin to form, rising as fleshy abominations out of the very stuff they walked on.
Veins uncoil like striking vipers and fasten themselves around throats and limbs, pulling men down into the living ship. Bones snap and men choke as the veins pulse larger with every beat, crushing those constricted to the rhythm of the heart. Screams and bolter fire sound hopelessly. Muzzle flashes illuminate faces in momentary portraits of terror. Sanguinus yells to run for the door and makes way, his bolter blasting emerging flesh creatures as they rise from the ground.
Some stay behind to help doomed comrades who are being pulled down, most disappear into the darkness after Sanguinus, towards a not so sure death. Warped vultures swoop down and snatch up those engaged in such heroic but ultimately futile efforts. They are carried away high up into the darkness, their screams and blood shower back down over their comrades. The ships immune system is actively attacking the intruders.
Squelched screams, crunching armor, and the sound of snapping bones echo in the ears of the fleeing Blood Angels. The door draws nearer and nearer. Bolters ring out and forms drop lifeless. Swarms of vulture creatures swoop down, kidnapping men from a chance at life. After the longest run of their lives they finally reach the door. Sanguinus is first. He cleaves the contracted door open. The lieutenant turns around and drops to a knee and begins laying down covering fire. Sanguinius is about to scream at him to run as he rushes marines through the door but the lieutenant is whisked away soundlessly into the dark within the space of a heartbeat by a flying demon. Sanguinius pushes the last marine through before he enters himself, cutting down a wave of creatures with his force sword and blasting diving beasts with his bolter.
They waste no time in their mission. A marine throws grenades through the door to keep their pursuers at bay as the others slam home fresh magazines. They pause in the darkness as they take notice to the ceasing of the heartbeat. Their eyes search for more enemy, but the unholy darkness is impenetrable. Sanguinius is not blind to what is about to happen and commands his men, Back to back now!
The heartbeat returns again, louder than before, and with it the room is filled with the familiar red glow. The marines can now see they are surrounded by thousands of misshapen demon forms filling the entire room shoulder to shoulder. No order is needed. The marines open fire on automatic and cut down the nearest few hundred as the monstrosities swarm their force. Magazines run dry quickly. The fighting becomes close, personal, and brutal, but with their Angel of Death at the front, the Blood Angels overcome and press on.
For what couldve been no longer than ten minutes they fight through the seemingly endless hordes of demons and warped humans. The warriors die one at a time until only Sanguinius and the remnants of his elite bodyguard remain. Their faces still stoic after everything they had gone through, their armor stained in blood and gore, lungs heaving, burning, from the exertions of hand-to-hand combat with numberless foes.
There at last they stand, before the final archway into Horus throne room. Sanguinius looks into the eyes of each of his remaining men in turn. In the beautiful golden eyes of their Primarch they can see the appreciation and pride he has in them, but also the request for them to go with him the last mile
For the Emperor, Sanguinius says. His men echo the words in a low voice and give a nod. Those words, though this time spoken as almost a whisper, carry more meaning now than ever before. They mean their very lives, and the manner of their deaths. They tighten their grips on the hilts of their swords and on the hafts of their axes and wait to be lead by their Primarch. Sanguinius takes the first cautious steps into the room, his men follow.
At the far end of the room sits Horus, looking out at the Earth below. The room is essentially two thick slabs of obsidian that jut out from the hull of the ship, making the ceiling and floor. Hundred foot panes of armored glass make up the walls around them. The view afforded is nothing less than spectacular. Pillars rise up all around, decorated with banners for all the Evil Powers, and burning torches that serve for lighting. Shadows play about like demons, and maybe, they are.
Horus does not acknowledge their presence even as their heavy armored steps near. Instead he watches his fleet continue to rain death upon the planet below, bright flashes illuminate the smoke that rises from burning cities, turning the atmosphere into a mass of turbulent dark clouds. His armor is decorated with markings from each of the Chaos powers, designs that threatened sanity cover every surface. The armor seems as if to almost come apart, barely containing the powerful form within. Sanguinius and his marines know fear, as Horus turns to them with dark red eyes.
The Emperor and his men had encountered the same reception. He still doesnt want to believe that Horus has allied himself with the dark Gods. How could he? The Emperor wonders. They had fought through room after room of numberless demons and beasts. Goat headed abominations, hoofed demons, and twisted versions of space marines flooded corridors and rooms. The enemy dead piled high as the Emperor and his men pressed on. They fought with fervor and heroism but one by one they too had died, until then, only the Emperor remained. Then and only then did the ships master allow him to be received into the presence of Horus.
Just as the Emperor closes the eyelids of his last fallen disciple and mouths silent appreciation for his life of service does the final archway to Horus present itself. Where nothing had once been, now stands an unholy gateway. A single pair of tears runs down the Emperors cheeks. His men had paid the price of his admission with their lives. He is filled with solemn pride in them, for they had known their last moments would be ones of despair and violence, but they would be last moments with their Emperor nonetheless. For them, that was enough.
He looks around at the butchered corpses of his marines mixed with those of beasts and horrors born of nightmares. He knows what he has come for. He knows what he must do to ensure that the slaughter here, below on the burning Earth, and far away in the cold depths of space, would have an end. He tosses his expended bolter aside with a weary hand. It clangs loudly on the metal floor, despite the thick layer of blood that carpets it. He steps forward. The course of humanitys future awaits the outcome of the next few minutes.
In a loose grip he holds his force sword, the tip of its blade carves the floor as he drags it along for a few meters before lifting it into a defensive position in front of him. He takes a deep breath. He is ready. He passes under the last archway and turns to look behind him one last time at what he will be fighting for, yet his fallen marines are not to be seen. Sorcery strong enough to cloud his god-like psyche are at work. He feels fear.
The large chamber is checkered with support columns, each holds four torches crackling with embers, their flickering flames making shadows all around. Horus stands with one side to the Emperor, and one to the Earth below. He stares down at his prize, awaiting the only man who stands between a galaxy ruled by Chaos with him as its supreme master.
The Emperor strides forth, his gaze never leaving the War-master. He feels the combined forces of the Chaos Gods focused into Horus being and hears their voices laughing in the Warp. He knows he faces them alone. He sees the traitor fleet as glittering dots through the glass. Megatons of death continue to fall onto the surface below. Bright lights flash across the continents with every soundless explosion. He knows that below the last heroic defenders of the Imperial palace are being overrun and slaughtered. Bright spheres of light swell and then disappear after intense exchanges of light between faint specs in the distance, telling the Emperor that the remnants of his once mighty fleets are now meeting their ends.
The Emperor walks out from amongst the shadows and rows of columns, close enough to see what the warping powers of Chaos have done to Horus. Slaughtered Blood Angels lie mangled and torn across the room, his heart is heavy with the terrible manner of their deaths. He notices the golden trim on their armor and realizes that they are Sanguinius bodyguard. Just then his eyes come to rest upon the broken wings of an Angel. He stares transfixed, his eyes in disbelief. He wants to refuse reality, but there lays Sanguinius body, lifeless. The torchlight reflects off a pool of his blood and the empty stare of his golden eyes. To Sanguinius he was a father, and to the Emperor, he was a son. His throat tightens and tears of anger and sadness well in his eyes, but all he can manage is to whisper, Sanguinius
Horus speaks with the voice of a God. Echoes of dark power resonate off the walls. My good brother Sanguinius I gave him a chance to sit at the right hand of a God, but alas, he chose to ally himself with the losing side. A fruitless sacrifice it was really its a pity I will have to destroy his legions, they would have served me well.
Sanguinius and his men stood with weapons ready to strike. Horus turned to them finally and spoke, power filled the air. Sanguinius, my brother, what are you planning to do with those? Firelight gleamed from the edges of their blades.
Horus it is over. Stop this madness, Horus cut off Sanguinius.
Do you really expect to defeat me? Look out there, he motioned a hand behind him, my fleet surrounds Terra, the last bastions of resistance are falling to my armies. Why should you sacrifice you and your men in a hopeless cause under the banner of a pathetic leader? How dare you speak to me of madness, it is you and your misguided followers who are mad. Mad to challenge me. I could destroy you now, but you are my brother, so I will ask you only once to ally yourself with me. I promise you a seat at my right hand in the new order. You will be a prince among princes and hold powers you have never dreamt of. The Chaos powers have been bound to my will. They serve me now. I cannot be defeated, join me brother.
Sanguinius lowered his head for a moment. Horus began to think that he might indeed ally with him, that maybe his words had struck a cord. Sanguinius raised his eyes to meet Horus and laughed as if to a gullible child. Horus you are a fool. It is you who serve Chaos. You are only a pawn in their game. You are just too far deluded to see it. I would be a fool to even argue with you. You are no brother to me, just a traitor robbed of his sanity by his Chaos puppet masters.
Horus expression turned from indifference to outrage and he leapt at Sanguinius striking out with his lightning claw to render him to pieces. Sanguinius parried the first and sidestepped the next, his bodyguard was already in motion. They attempted to overwhelm Horus, but he moved with preternatural speed and fought with centuries of experience. Humanitys defenders soon realized they were outmatched. The already powerful warrior was nigh on invincible with the combined powers of Chaos behind his every strike and in every lightning quick movement.
Though the bodyguard gave their best effort it was simply too much for them. They were barely able to deflect all the blows meant for Sanguinius. They had no room between to fight back. All they could manage was to delay the inevitable. Horus, with his demonic speed, easily met every blade that rose in defense. They only got in his way as he relentlessly attacked Sanguinius, and they paid with their lives for it as energy enveloped claws plunged into their bodies instead of Sanguinius. One life at a time they delayed the same fate for their Primarch, until only he and Horus remained.
Sanguinius fought, without the aid of his bodyguard, but with every fiber of his being. His life was coming to an end. He knew it every time his blood spilled and his flesh tore. He knew that eventually he would not be able to continue because of his wounds. First he was taken out from under himself with a sweep of Horus leg. Then Horus drove his claws into his arm, severing muscles and tendons, Sanguinius screamed in anguish. He jumped back up, his sword still held tightly in his good arm, Horus took satisfaction in his will to fight to the end. He would make it a very painful end of course.
Sanguinius took to flight in desperation, trying to avoid the onslaught and maybe give him a chance. He swooped down with sword cocked back to strike and Horus jumped up an inhuman distance to roundhouse him in his face sending Sanguinius spinning down head over feet. He landed hard on his stomach and struggled to regain himself as quickly as possible. His wings shuddered with noticeable effort. His head still spun from the armored boot to his face. Blood trickled down his cheeks from hemorrhaging eyes. He saw Horus boots finally return from the floor as he hovers down to land in front of him. Horus stood and watched as Sanguinius rose to fight again.
Horus relented for a moment to let Sanguinius see the pleasure in his face. To let him know that his end was coming and that he would enjoy being the one to bring it. Sanguinius charged at Horus with sword raised, only to catch a clawed backhand that sent him flying into a pillar. Ribs snapped upon both impacts and their broken tips stabbed into his organs, he struggled to breath as blood begun to fill his lungs and leak from his heart. Horus laughed at the attempt. He grabbed Sanguinius collapsed body up around the throat with a clawed hand and pinned him up against the pillar. His feet hung far off the ground. Horus made a tight fist in the air, knuckles cracked loudly, and pummeled the features of Sanguinius angelic face. His cheeks caved in, his vision went black, his jaw and nose broke, and blood ran freely, spattering on his white wings from subsequent impacts.
Horus released him. Sanguinus dropped a meter to the floor. Horus paced around the dying angel. He mocked him and laughed as Sanguinius spit out blood and teeth, Sanguinius, the angel winged Primarch. The most handsome, most envied of Primarchs. Who would envy you now? Broken and defeated. I am not done with you yet though. Dont expect me to let you die so easily.
I die with honor! I die loyal to my Emperor! spat back Sanguinius with much effort, his shattered jaw burned in pain. He struggled to stand and meet Horus gaze, sweat and blood beaded out on his face. Horus became enraged at his inability to break the will of the loyal Primarch. He ran his claws across Sanguinius stomach hard, energy discharges like thunder. The armor rendered open wide and ropey intestines fell through. Sanguinius attempted to hold them in with his wounded hand and weakly swung his sword at Horus, who laughed as he struck the blade out of his grasp. It clanged across the floor and came to a halt a desperate distance away.
Sanguinius fell to one knee and then to another. His body refused to go on fighting any longer, all hope of victory had retreated. He was drowning in his own blood, his intestines were being held in by a failing hand, and he was bleeding out from a dozen deep wounds. He knew that it was his end. The terror fell away and he saw clarity and cause in why he must die. He reached for his purpose. His precognition had graced him one last time.
Horus leaned down to grab him by the hair and pulled his head back. He raised his claw high, ready to give him the fatal blow. Sanguinius, with the last of his energy in his last moment, struck at Horus heart with the tip of a blade hidden in his bloodstained robes. It only made a chink in the armor and failed to cause harm, but Horus was stunned for a moment at the gesture itself.
You pathetic insolent filth! Dare strike me! Horus yelled, driving his clawed gauntlet through Sanguinius body, his form convulsed a moment in shock around the multiple serrated blades. Lightning energy played about him, burning flesh scented the air. Horus withdrew the blades and picked up Sanguinius by the throat so he could strangle the last breath from his lungs. Sanguinius hands weakly clawed against Horus grip for just a moment, his wings shuddered in death spasms Then he went still. His wings became peaceful and his arms dropped to their sides.
Horus threw Sanguinius still corpse aside. He glanced down to see the small chink in his armor, then around to see a room full of slaughtered marines. He erupted into laughter.
Sanguinius The Emperor looks to Horus and sees no remorse or any shred of humanity left behind his dark unfamiliar eyes.
Horus speaks, Sanguinius. My poor brother. My poor naïve dead brother. He threw away his chance. I now give you that same chance. Acknowledge me as the new Lord of Humanity and I will spare you.
The Emperors lip trembles and he remains silent, looking back down to his fallen son. Sanguinius, he promises himself, will not have died in vain. He yells with unbound fury as he charges at Horus with blade raised. Horus, with the combined powers of the Chaos Gods, meets the Emperors charge. The psychic energies of hateful evil and righteous anger discharge as their psycho-conductive weapons clash like the thunderbolts of Gods. The Lord of Humanity stands alone against the champion of the Chaos Gods and feels the power in his foe reach unimaginable levels as it is fed to him, screaming, from the Warp.
Horus and the Emperor are fighting, physically, psychically and spiritually. They fight with such tenacity and ferocity, and with powers drawn from every plane of existence, that the very fabric of the universe around them must slow to witness every movement in their climactic duel for the fate of mankind. The motion of objects in the viewing glass behind them almost freeze in space as the intensity of their fighting reaches critical. Their blades and bodies blur out of mortal comprehension as they dart in and out of the dance of death, striking at and retreating from one another a hundred times within the space of a blink.
They shift from reality into the warp and back again and both their bodies and minds combat each others. In the warp the Emperor can see the entities that are the Chaos Gods. They lack any true form but are the coalescences from the product of every evil and sin ever to be committed. He can hear the psychic screams of numberless sacrifices being offered up to them in unholy rituals and death and terror wrought in their names. They in turn feed their energies of hate into Horus. But the Emperor also feels himself being lent strength as the essence of his God spirit is nurtured by the prayer vigil of his billions of loyal servants across existence is offered up to and absorbed by his spirit. His aid begins to slip as the prayers falter in volume and intensity. As he exchanges blows with Horus on the spectral plane he can sense the demons of Chaos sowing seeds of doubt and abandonment in the minds of his believers.
Their battle shifts back to the material world and again they are in the backdrop of the besieged Earth. The Emperor destroys a pillar with his sword as Horus ducks and strikes back with a claw that sets the air on fire in its speed. They meet blade and claw again in another sustained flurry of strikes and counterstrokes. Only for so long can they remain evenly matched, however.
The Emperor begins to weaken as his powers falter against the combined wills of the Gods of Evil. In his soul he hears them howl louder in the Warp, feeding Horus their last reserves of strength. His allies cannot aid him with such power. It takes more and more effort for the Emperor to keep up his flurry of offensive strikes, until eventually all he can do is hold his own against Horus onslaught. Without warning the first of Horus attacks breaks through the guard of the Emperors blindingly quick counterstrokes. The Emperor is sent flying through a pillar from the impact of the lightning claws on his chest. The echo of a thunderclap still resounds as the Emperor rights himself just in time to meet the charging Horus.
Horus plows through the Emperors form like a wrecking ball and sends him into another pillar, the stone support shattering upon the Emperors impact. The Emperor is quicker this time and meets Horus with a psychic attack of pure will power, pure force of thought. Horus is knocked backward into a flip and lands on his stomach. The Emperor rushes forth to attempt and finish him, but Horus is only stunned and is already on a knee with his claw ready to defend as the Emperor reaches him. Horus holds the Emperor at bay with counter strokes from his crackling claws as he gets to both feet.
The Emperor can feel the gap between their strength widen and is all too soon sent sprawling back, choking, from an armored punch to the throat. Horus gestures towards him with a hand, an invisible bolt of terrible force erupts outward. The Emperor rolls to the side and dodges the psychic attack. A ship in orbit behind where the Emperor just stood explodes instead like a miniature sun. Horus stomps the ground in front of him and the obsidian floor ripples like black water. A wave of stone splinters up towards the Emperor and knocks him off his feet. Horus laughs as he rises inches off the floor, hovering, as his power finally bridges the divide between mortal and God. The Emperor knows despair. Horus disengages the claw from his gauntleted hand and moves to finish the Emperor by hand.
The Emperor is up as Horus glides to him and he uppercuts Horus with the hilt of his sword. Horus head knocks back and the Emperor tries to stab at him before Horus can regain himself. Horus catches the blade in one hand and returns his gaze to the Emperors horrified eyes. The blade crumples like paper in Horus grasp and he throws it aside. The Emperor cannot even maintain his hold and the once magnificent weapon and it flips end over end across the room to cling across the obsidian floor. The Emperor throws a punch at Horus face, his forearm is caught at the end of a blurring hand, his fist inches from Horus face. Horus tightens his grasp and the armor crunches, bones shattering underneath. The Emperor yells in pain, falling to a knee in anguish.
Horus uses his arm as a handle and smashes his body like a hammer against an anvil violently on the pillars all around. Both stone and bone shatter with each room-shaking impact. The Emperor feels bones snap in his legs and ribs break in his chest. His spine crushes at the lower back and he loses feeling from his waist down, he blacks out involuntarily. He is brought back to consciousness screaming as Horus finally wretches off the lower half of his arm, his body now thrown free, lands limp across the room before Horus throne.
The Emperor hears Horus laugh before he sees him, his eyes fight to bring him back from darkness. He knows he has failed. Horus has won and humanity will now fall into a galaxy of Chaos. He vomits dark blood on himself. He wants to weep, but not from the physical pain. He has failed Sanguinius and everyone who has ever believed in him. Humanity will perish, the galaxy will burn. The knowledge of those cold facts weighs his bruised heart heavily and he surrenders to the fate he cannot change. He knows this is his end. He grinds his teeth and steels himself against the pain. His face is strained and dripping sweat, but his expression knows no fear. He will give no more satisfaction to Horus.
Horus returns back to the ground. The ship trembles as each foot touches down. The room reverberates with the echoes of unholy victory as Horus walks to the Emperors broken body. He laughs with fact rather than pity in his voice. Old fool, I offered you a choice. You chose to die.
Horus raises a fist, dark green and black energies begin to flow about it. They swirl up into the form of a flickering ethereal blade, the Emperor sees the hand pull back, about to give him the deathblow. He keeps his eyes open. He wants to see his death come. He will not cower from it like a frightened child hiding in the darkness.
Just before the strike lands and Horus destiny as ruler of a galaxy of Chaos are secured, the doors are smashed open with a thunderous boom. At first the Emperor can only make out the outline of the large golden form. It is running towards them, then the recognizable sound of a storm bolter rings out as his vision makes it out to be a Terminator, storm bolter blazing away at Horus. Horus does nothing, letting the lone Terminator see the futility of it all. The bullets vanish, like dust in the wind, before they can reach Horus. The Terminator sees the Emperors dying form at Horus feet. He might as well have died too at that instant, his weapon lowers, he sees no reason to continue. His Emperor dies before his very eyes.
Horus aims his hand toward the now still marine and lets the energies fly, his hand recoiling from the discharge. The thick armor of the Terminator suit peels away like the skin of a ship during re-entry and the marine is soon disintegrated into nothingness. The Emperor feels righteous wrath explode from inside as Horus laughs at the death of one of his loyal disciples. He focuses his energy, and draws upon unknown reserves. His will to avenge the fallen marine gives him purpose like none he has ever felt before. Horus feels the energy gathering in the Emperor, ready to explode like a supernova.
A halo of blinding light surges around the Emperors head and expands out. His spiritual being becomes hyper active and he draws strength from the prayers he can now hear over the laughing demons in the Warp. His soul swells out of the confines of his body with holy energy and illuminates the room with the divine light of his righteous anger. The effect is so intense that Horus is blinded as he turns to face the Emperor. Those in orbit and on the world below swear they are witnessing the birth of a star.
The Emperor sees a chink in the breastplate of Horus armor and knows immediately that Sanguinius last full measure of devotion was not in vain. He knows he only has one chance now to rescue humanity from its ill fate. He focuses on the chink in Horus armor and lets loose a bolt of divine vengeance, the halo fades and his strained soul returns to its body.
Horus face turns to an expression of terrified disbelief. An arrow of Humanitys vengeance, of Humanitys will to survive, flies true and penetrates into the War-masters heart. Horus screams out in anguish as the energy consumes him like the awesome unstoppable force of a black hole. His efforts are futile and he is drawn closer and closer to his end until, like the last moment of darkness in the night, he is overcome by the light. And in one moment, all that was lost, became all that was saved.
The arm propping the Emperor up gives way and he collapses to the floor, content to die if that is his fate. Rogal Dorn enters the room, sweat and blood drip from his face. His once golden armor is completely faded, battered, and dented from blades, bullets, claws, and fangs. His forehead is lacerated and blood is flowing down his brow freely. It is smeared across his face and on the eagle on his chest.
He quickly glances around with his sword held ready. It drips with the blood of a thousand, now slain, nightmares. He sees the Emperors body broken on the floor and the fear that the Emperor may be dead cascades over him. Nooo! he yells and pleads as he runs to see if the Emperor has truly died. As he comes out from among the pillars he sees Sanguinius too, broken and lifeless at Horus throne. His heart throbs with the pain of loss.
He drops to his knees beside the Emperor and casts his weapon aside. He turns the Emperor on his back and puts his fingers to the Emperors bruised throat. He weeps thankfully as he feels a faint pulse of life within. He knows he must act quickly. He switches on his com-bead and calls on all frequencies for an apothecary to home in on his beacon. He tears off the jagged armor from around the stump that is left of the Emperors arm. He tears a strip of his robe off and ties the wound tight to slow the bleeding. He puts his head to his fathers chest and begins to pray. The Emperor will not die on his watch
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Horus vs the Emperor (2004) WARHAMMER ART The Emperor of Mankind battles his Warmaster, Horus Lupercal, at the climax of the Horus Heresy. At their feet lies Sanguinius, Primarch of the Blood Angels Legion. This colour painting was Adrian Smith's second illustration of this key scene from the history of Warhammer 40,000.

  • The Emperor utterly erased Horus from existence and was found dying by Rogal Dorn, primarch of the Imperial Fists. On the edge of death, the Emperor instructed Dorn to place him in the life support of the golden throne, where he has spent the last ten thousand years slowly decaying yet still alive. Projecting the Astronomican across the galaxy.
  • The Emperor before the Horus Heresy. The Emperor, during the 41st Millenium. The Emperor of Mankind is the master of the Imperium of Man in Warhammer 40,000.Referred to by the Chaos gods and daemons of the Warp as 'the Anathema' and by humanity's Ecclesiarchal Cult as the God-Emperor of Mankind (among other titles), he is the ruling monarch of humanity.
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Yul BrynnerLex LuthorJean-Luc PicardProfessor X pre-paralysisVin Diesel Horus Lupercal, the Warmaster. Here shown prior to getting his Chaos on.

'Let the galaxy burn.'

– Horus Lupercal

'Better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven.'

– Satan in John Milton's Paradise Lost.

'Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell.'

– William Shakespeare

Horus Lupercal, The Breaker of Tyrants, The Warmaster, The Arch-Traitor, or FUCKING HORUS! was the Primarch of the Luna Wolves/Sons of Horus/Black Legion, and the main figure in the event known as the HorusHeresy (this is NOT a dead giveaway. Oh no), who is generally known as 'THE GUY WHO FUCK'D IT ALL UP', but not really really.



Young Horus in all his bald glory (looking weirdly like Benito Mussolini cross with a WWE wrestler).

Once the most favoured son of his father the God-Emperor of Mankind, he began to resent his father's treatment of him and other Primarchs, and believing that the Emperor's secret plan was to become a god using his own Primarch sons as a tool (when in fact all this is due to the lies of a certain religious zealot), eventually turned to Chaos. If you really need to be told any of this, what in the actual fuck are you doing on /tg/ in the first place? This is such common knowledge, that the outlines of the Horus Heresy and every bad ass taking part in it, are more or less engraved in the mind of every /tg/ reader. Much like the Emperor being crippled and the Imperium devolving into a bureaucratic grimdark empire, the death of Horus and the placement of Abaddon as the most influential Chaos champion ever, turned the Traitor legions from a genocidal force bent on utter domination for the glory of Chaos into a Saturday-morning cartoon villain organization. Also his armour made him look like an egg.

It is argued that Horus was not actually evil but possessed by the Chaos Gods or that he was a victim of Lorgar, who is officially labeled as 'The First Heretic.' However, he was still a massive dick. Hence the common saying in the post-Heresy Imperium: 'Of all the mighty Primarchs, Horus sure was a dick.'

But long story short, the Imperium got into this fucked up state because this guy had daddy issues (honestly, who didn't?), he got scammed by religious nutjobs, and because the Chaos Gods showed him horrific visions of the future, supposedly under the Emperor's rule, all while conveniently leaving out the fact that it would be his own efforts to avert said future that would cause it in the first place. Lol-irony. They did show him that the Emperor was planning to discard him and the other rest of the Space Marines when their usefulness ended, and in fairness, that was actually completely true as Master of Mankind shows and which totally contradicts previous Horus Heresy novels where the chambers the primarchs were supposed to live in once the Crusade ended were depicted. Why would you build large apartments for your 'sons' if you really did not give a rat's ass about them? Or was the EMPRA intending on luring them into their respective apartment and then strangle them to death? Why go through all the effort when his psychic might was enough to force Lorgar to kneel (causing a small brain hemorrhage as evidenced by blood tricking out of his nose. See 'The First Heretic)? He could have just BLAMMED them all Thunder Warrior style with all his psychic prowess and shit. Either way, you know what they say- the best lies contain a grain of truth. The Chaos Gods did show Horus the future he would create which seemed to prove that the EMPRA had planned his own ascension all along (so he obviously must enjoy to be chilling on the couch as a decomposing corpse these days).

It also doesn't help that there's prior precedence provided by Malcador committing damnatio memoriae on the 11th and 2nd Primarchs, a conspiracy which was first uncovered during its development by 'Alpharius' and brought to the attention of the Warmaster himself, leading to a confrontation between 'Alpharius', Horus, Jaghatai Khan & Malcador the Sigillite on Terra. After calling each other ambitious freeloaders, Horus threatened Malcador's life, to which the Sigillite said if they didn't like the erasure of the recently lost legion, they could shove that precious vainglorious memory of theirs where the sun don't shine. When Horus tried to speak his dead brother's name as an act of defiance, Malcador froze his brain & had to be talked down from sploding his grey matter all over the room by Jaghatai & 'Alpharius'. When he got back up, Horus flipped a table and gave Malcador the bird when he had his back turned, effectively planting the seed of resentment & pouring boiling piss over it.

It is during this confrontation that it's revealed that Horus had always disagreed with the idea of standard humans ruling over themselves & believed that since it was he, the other Primarchs and their Astartes who conquered the stars, that it should be themselves who rule over the compliant planets; rather than this opinion being implanted by the ruinous powers, it was merely exacerbated. His low opinion on mortals probably isn't helped by the fact that the conspiracy to condemn the memory of his lost brothers was concocted by baseline noble humans (there was even a noble present from House Carpinus by the name of Na-Baron Petronius Vivar at the confrontation with Malcador). Evidently, the other traitor Primarchs thought much the same when he revealed to them that it was the Emperor's plan to give the right to govern these planets to standard humans of noble houses, only to then discard the Primarchs and the remaining 18 legions (2nd and 11th style) once their stated purpose had been fulfilled. How this plan exactly meshes with putting Magnus on the Golden Throne to manage the Webway for Him is unknown, but we suspect it involves strapping an explosive collar around his neck that would detonate should he decide to peel his red ass off the chair. No bathroom breaks.

Either way though, the Emperor psychically nuking of Horus' body and soul means Horus is gone as fuck now, occasional Fabius Bile cloning shenanigans notwithstanding, and Horus' influence of modern 40K will remain posthumous.

Also, 40K(30K?) Horus has more of an reverse connection to his Egyptian god namesake, given the Egyptian Horus heroically took to the throne of the gods from a usurper while 40K Horus is instead the failed usurper.

New fluff[edit]

If this reminds you of every Baroque and/or Christianity-related painting from the Renaissance up until the 19th Century, good. Also note how the Custodes are Dark Silver and wearing Pickelhauben (That's because these are Sagittarum Guard).

Recent fluff from the book Vengeful Spirit has Horus visiting the same gate to the Warp on Molech that the Emperor used to get some of his powers. While only seconds pass in the Materium, Horus spends what is basically implied to be an eternity inside the Warp battling rival Daemon Princes, amassing billions of warp-creature minions, and wrecking shit. In the end he somehow gains the same powers that the Emperor received to create the Primarchs, but Horus gets them in a 'legit' way (as far as the Ruinous Powers are concerned) by passing their near constant tests through sheer force of will, where the Emperor just took what he wanted. Refusing to become a slave to the Ruinous Powers (or perhaps that's what the Chaos Gods wanted him to think) he leaves his Warp-empire to return to his rebellion in the Materium. Horus' time inside the Warp was so long that he, a fully grown Primarch, had visibly aged. However with his new psychic hack abilities he disguises his over-the-hill face and still maintains his youthful appearance. Apparently the Emperor does the same trick. This was basically a big retcon by Black Library who previously explained Horus being able to fight toe-to-toe with the Big E as having all four Chaos Gods channel their powers into him at once.

It's important to explore this clusterfuck of nonsense to make sense of the lore before one comes to the rubbish conclusion that the Emperor only became god-like after Molech. This is balls-deep nonsense. This is what Horus (who is himself not in any way whatsoever a good source for reliable information regarding Chaos) thinks he knows from his own narrow/skewed/manipulated point of view. The more commonly held belief is that, as with the vision he received from the Great Fuckhead Himself, he was misled. That the Emperor, a being capable of trapping and fighting a C'Tan (that as it turned out had been tired out prior by another warp entity... oops) during the Middle Ages, was always as powerful as He has been portrayed. It is explained that the Primarchs are more than just flesh and bone, and that each of them has a fraction of His personality in them that they themselves embody. Ferrus Manus' rather dramatic death highlights that inside Primarchs lies a great deal of energy. Now to the heart of it - Molech. Why would a being as powerful as the Emperor, who has to combat 4 monstrously powerful otherworldly entities whilst maintaining a beacon anywhere he goes, soul bound psykers and fight throughout the Great Crusade, split His formidable power 20 times into 20 beings? He wouldn't, he'd grab extra power to do so. That was Molech - a source and gateway to a wellspring of power claimed by Chaos for its use alone. A source the Emperor broke into and stole/took/tricked for His Primarch Project. Using the additional power, He crafted, with His scientific mastery, 20 genetically engineered super hosts. In the same way that god-aligned daemons are formed by splitting a portion off the God itself, He used each portion of power as a blank mould, investing them with a sliver of His personality and allowing the power to coalesce around it to form a soul/Emperor-Greater Daemon. That pseudo-daemon is then implanted in a host that can never die or degrade due to age, perfectly tailored to hold it. This explains why each Primarch radiates an aura of awe and magnificence. Horus didn't become as powerful as the Emperor, he retrieved the power that made himself and all his brothers and had it infused into himself. While it appears he has lost a significant chunk of this power (and a piece of his soul) after his duel with Leman Russ in the Battle of Trisolian, it is still likely that he is at least a match for the Emperor.

Following the duel with Russ, Horus suddenly entered a near coma, throwing the legion into disarray. Maloghurst later entered the Realm of Chaos and found that a part of Horus's soul - an uncorrupted part - was still trapped in the Warp. That part of his soul was suffering from the effects of Russ's spear, leading to the material Horus falling unconcious. The fragment expressed remorse over it's actions, as well as a morbid clarity that his rebellion was just part of the Gods plan and he had been manipulated into doing so. Left with no other option, Maloghurst destroyed the fragment at the cost of his own life, releasing Horus from his coma and giving him total control over the powers granted by the Chaos Gods, as well as leaving him utterly without doubt in his actions (however delusional they may actually have been).


In Path of Heaven he appears in all his pomp and Chaotic corruption to assign Mortarion to kill Jaghatai Khan, explain that all his other generals have gone doolally and wax lyrical about killing the Emperor, as well as make the point that being 'roided up by the raw stuff of the Empyrean doesn't get you out of having to manage the logistics of a galactic civil war. Soon after, Mortarion kills his Navigators in a fit of rage and makes the dumbass decision to go into the warp anyway. In other words, Horus was the only one of his brothers who had his shit together, which was why the Horus Heresy fell apart so quickly after his death.

The Real God Emperor Of Mankind, A Warhammer Fanfic | FanFiction

Newest fluff heavily suggests that Chaos Gods' plan from the very beginning was for Horus to lose, but only barely. Apparently the Gods knew about the Cabal's plans and made sure they would get the outcome of a fucked up Imperium that lasts for millennia, feeding them with all the negative emotions they needed, rather than an Imperium of Chaos which would go to shit in a few centuries of infighting, taking humanity and gods themselves with it. It does make sense that at least Khorne and Nurgle would appreciate a bloody and decaying Imperium. One daemon even referred to Horus as 'sacrificial lamb' needed to stop the Imperium from turning into a prosperous empire of reason, and kickstart the Long War. The Emperor may have developed a counter-plan that caused the Chaos Gods to scream in frustration in The Outcast Dead but that book is fairly trippy. Later still, Lorgar hinted that the Chaos Gods were displeased with the Warmaster's unwillingness to become a slave to Chaos and that his ultimate defeat in the duel with the Emperor would be a punishment for his refusal to surrender his will to them.

Long after the Scouring, Fabius Bile succeeded in creating a stable clone of a pre-Molech Horus, who utterly wrecked a huge boarding party of traitor marines before being fucking impaled through the chest with his own talon by Abbadon. The clone was capable of speech and seemed to possess a semblance of memory from its twin brother's past (calling Abbadon its 'son', just before being turned into a kebab). It's unknown why it was so hostile to other Astartes or what degree of control Fabius had over it. Several prominent marines were adamant that such an abomination (cloned Astartes apparently being the closest thing to taboo you can get for even a traitor marine) would not be Horus in any way, because his soul was annihilated by the Emperor. It should be noted that Horus can still be found within the warp, performing his labors for the Chaos Gods to gain more power. Theoretically, since time in the Empyrean is dynamic rather than linear, this could mean he could be pulled back out of the warp from the middle of his trials to resume leadership of his legion.

Good Guy Horus[edit]

It's often forgotten by fans that before he was corrupted and decieved by Erebus and Lorgar, Horus was a genuinely nice guy, he could even be found regularly posting on the r/niceguys subreddit. Fans are quick to joke about 'that dick Horus,' but before Things Went Wrong he was one of the most personable, down to earth primarchs. Yeah, part of the reason people fell for him so easily was that he shared the Emperor's psychic magnetism, but he also went out of his way to be friendly and considerate of custom, if not necessarily polite. Granted, at times he had arrogance to match Magnus and choler to match Angron, but despite that he always made effort to honor those under his command, mortal and astartes alike. Whilemanyotherprimarchs saw their warriors as little more than tools, or werealoof and unnapproachable, Horus was a true father to his sons, guiding and shaping them personally. To most legions it would be unimaginable for the primarch to personally seek out and comfort a legionary during a time of crisis, but for the Luna Wolves, it was obvious. He was no saint or coddler, as we see him encourage rivalries within and between his legion and others, but in doing so he brought strength and glory. Even when dealing with outsiders, he always attempted diplomacy before making war, something even his gentler brothers cannot say. Horus was a cunning, brutal, supremely confident warlord with a huge cock who nonetheless took great pains to make sure his warriors and mortal retainers were treated well, and furthermore, from the very few pre-Davin POV scenes we get, we know he actually believed others deserved to be treated well, it wasn't simply feigned politeness or a calculated display of regard. Then fucking Erebus happened. Even his edgy rebellion and fall to Chaos was due to his honest love of people. He's basically 40k's version of Arthas Menethil.

On the Tabletop[edit]

Horus Lupercal, in all his miniature glory.

Horus is everything you love about an HQ wrapped up in one man. He is a very good tactical HQ allowing reserves to outflank, giving every Son of Horus +1 to Leadership and seizing the initiative on a 4+. He and any Terminator unit he has joined may elect which turn they arrive in and they will not scatter if they choose to Deep Strike (and he bestows the rule to the entire unit). He also makes veteran-tactical squads and Justaerin Terminators troops choices (if he is the Warlord... but then again when are you not going to make him your Warlord?).

Emperor Of Mankind Vs Horus

He is good at shooting with a BS of 5, night vision, a thing that gives - if he chooses to not fire during his turn - a single unit within 6' (other than super-heavy or Independent Characters) +1 BS, a twin-linked super-bolter, and an orbital bombardment using his BS (also twin-linked). And, finally, he is a monster in close combat, being able to take down full terminator squads in 1 turn if you roll well for his 6 attacks plus +D3 attacks if he is fighting a unit or character of weapon skill 4 or lower. He can rape blobs, MEQ's, TEQ's and HQ's.

His weapons are the Warmaster's Talon (an AP2 lightning claw which saddles whoever survives it with a -1 penalty to WS and S for every wound it inflicts that in theory can stack, ensuring that even if he doesn't kill what he's fighting, his target will be completely unable to harm him or anybody else in close combat), and a S10 AP1 master-crafted thunderhammer called Worldbreaker. Combine this with an initiative of 6, and he will strike first most of the time. He's also pretty durable with a toughness and wounds of 6, 2+ armor save, 3+ invulnerable save, 5+ deny the witch, and an additional 3+ save against any psychic attack or adverse profile modifications, which comes to play more often then you may think, given most other Primarchs are bristling with Concussive, Strikedown, Blind or some weirder stat-lowering shit. As in 30k destroyer weapons don't have a 'deathblow' result, titan-killer weapons cannot one-shot him, but they still hurt a lot, and while Shadowsword cannot spam D-strength, Magnus definitely can, and the horrible abomination of cheese that is a Warlord-class battle titan could vomit out enough D to kill three Horuses in one turn, so don't get too cocky.

Horus is an absolute motherfucker, and can be thought of as everything a Chapter Master should be between his Orbital Bombardment and army buffs. Letting reserves Outflank makes crossing the board much easier. His Justaerinstar will make anything shit its pants. The Ld bonus patches his Legion's weak morale, and 4+ seize can make a huge difference. His Orbital Bombardment is also awesome. The multi-wound EWless models one finds in 30k will die, and you're likely to put vehicles out of commission. Unfortunately this comes at a really steep fucking price (500 points!) so use him wisely.

As this is said to represent him as he was during the Great Crusade and the start of the Horus Heresy, it is possible he may get an updated profile to represent him as he was when he got all Chaos'd up. When or if that'll happen is anyone's guess, however.

Horus VS other Primarchs:[edit]

Horus wins against any other Primarch except Leman Russ, super-charged Magnus, and Sanguinius if he's using the Angel's Wrath Rite of War (fitting). That's it. He beats ALMOST any other opponent he gets pitted against.

No seriously, what did you expect? With WS 8, 6 Attacks with a S7 AP2 lightning claw that cripples whoever survives his onslaught or a MC S10 Thunder Hammer and 2+/3++ he can destroy almost any other Primarch relatively safely. He's clearly built to be the hardest dude around and his gear is borderline unfair. Disabling Strike is just disgusting and it's directly intended to make sure he stays the top dog no matter how angry, pretty or wellequipped anyone else is... so long as he doesn't piss off the Angel. Ouch, that Talon really hurts. So, yeah, almost no one can actually fight 1 on 1 with the Warmaster, barring some incredibly lucky rolls.

These are the old numbers on Leman Russ pre-FAQ:

  • Horus vs. Leman Russ
    • Horus, Round 1: Hits 2 times, wounds 1.777 times with his Claw, 0.888 wounds after saves, and IWND brings it down 0.555
    • Horus Round 2 and on: Hits 1 time, wounds 0.888 times with his Claw, 0.444 after saves and IWND brings it down to 0.111
    • Leman Russ, full Wounds + charge/Counter-Attack (Balenight): hits 4.667 times, wounds 3.502, 1.167 wounds after saves and IWND brings it down to 0.834 at the start of the next turn.
    • Leman Russ, full Wounds + charge/Counter-Attack (Helwinter): hits 4.861 times, wounds 4.051 times, 1.350 wounds after saves and IWND brings it down to 1.017 at the start of the next turn.
    • Leman Russ, full Wounds (Balenight): hits 4 times, wounds 3 times, 1 wound after saves and IWND brings it down to 0.667
    • Leman Russ, full Wounds (Helwinter): hits 4.190 times, wounds 3.492, 1.164 wounds after saves and IWND brings it down to 0.831 at the start of the next turn.
    • Sever Life: Being a pain in the ass to calculate, Sever Life will go off most of the time against Horus, but for the purposes of this mathhammer Sever Life's chance to not go off will be included in its average Wounds roll:
      • Every time Leman Russ Attacks Horus (as he'll always manage to Wound him and it doesn't say it's triggered via unsaved Wounds) Horus takes an additional 1.091 Wounds, only 0.364 of which will make it through Horus' save.
    • Keeping Sever Life in mind and the fact that Leman Russ can split his attacks, the ideal way to split them (for round one and two anyway) would be: 2 Attacks with Balenight, 4/5 Attacks with Helfrost. Here's what that looks like:
      • Leman Russ, full Wounds + charge/Counter-Attack: hits 4.851 times (1.333 times with Balenight, 3.518 times with Helwinter), wounds 5.023 times (1 time with Balenight, 2.932 times with Helwinter, 1.091 times with Sever Life), 1.674 wounds after saves and IWND brings it down to 1.341 wounds at the start of the next turn.
      • Leman Russ, full Wounds: hits 4.177 times (1.333 times with Balenight, 2.844 times with Helwinter), wounds 4.461 times (1 time with Balenight, 2.370 times with Helwinter, 1.091 times with Sever Life), 1.487 wounds after saves and IWND brings it down to 1.154 wounds at the start of the next turn.

Leman's negative to hit modifier is brutal, basically negating Horus' ability to do any damage, while Leman is still pounding him over the head. As stated, this includes Sever Life and Breaker of Shields, Bringer of Ruin. The theoretical breakdown of the match would be:

  • Round 1:
    • Leman Russ, 6 Wounds, WS9, S6 + charge/Counter-Attack (2 attacks on Balenight, 5 attacks on Helwinter): hits 4.851 times (1.333 times with Balenight, 3.518 times with Helwinter), wounds 5.023 times (1 time with Balenight, 2.932 times with Helwinter, 1.091 times with Sever Life), 1.674 wounds after saves.
    • Horus, 4.326 Wounds: Hits 2 times, wounds 1.777 times with his Claw, 0.888 wounds after saves.
  • Round 2:
    • Leman Russ, 5.112 Wounds, WS9, S6 (2 attacks on Balenight, 4 attacks on Helwinter): hits 4.177 times (1.333 times with Balenight, 2.844 times with Helwinter), wounds 4.461 times (1 time with Balenight, 2.370 times with Helwinter, 1.091 times with Sever Life), 1.487 wounds after saves.
    • Horus, 2.839 Wounds: Hits 1 time, wounds 0.888 times with his Claw, 0.444 wounds after saves.
  • Round 3:
    • Leman Russ, 5.001 Wounds (IWND puts him slightly above 5, but it can't regenerate his damaged characteristics), WS8, S5 (3 attacks on Balenight, 3 attacks on Helwinter): hits 3.188 times (1.5 times with Balenight, 1.688 times with Helwinter), wounds 3.498 times (1 time with Balenight, 1.407 times with Helwinter, 1.091 times with Sever Life), 1.166 wounds after saves.
    • Horus, 2.006 Wounds (IWND): Hits 1 time, wounds 0.888 times with his Claw, 0.444 wounds after saves.
  • Round 4:
    • Leman Russ, 4.557 Wounds, WS8, S5 (3 attacks on Balenight, 3 attacks on Helwinter): hits 3.188 times (1.5 times with Balenight, 1.688 times with Helwinter), wounds 3.498 times (1 time with Balenight, 1.407 times with Helwinter, 1.091 times with Sever Life), 1.166 wounds after saves.
    • Horus, 0.84 Wounds: Hits 1 time, wounds 0.888 times with his Claw, 0.444 wounds after saves.
  • Round 5:
    • Leman Russ, 4.446 Wounds (IWND), WS7, S4 (The Talon of Horus technically causes another unsaved wound here) (all attacks on Helwinter): hits 3.214 times, wounds 1.607 times, 0.536 wounds after saves.
    • Horus, 0.637 Wounds (IWND): Hits 2 time, wounds 1.778 times with his Claw, 0.888 wounds after saves.
  • Round 6:
    • Leman Russ, 3.558 Wounds, WS6, S3 (all attacks on Helwinter): hits 3.214 times, wounds 1.071 times, 0.357 wounds after saves.
    • Horus, 0.28 Wounds: Hits 1 time, wounds 0.888 times with his Claw, 0.444 wounds after saves.
  • Round 7:
    • Leman Russ, 2.67 Wounds, WS6, S3 (all attacks on Helwinter): hits 3.214 times, wounds 1.071 times, 0.357 wounds after saves.
    • Horus is dead before IWND kicks in for him and so cannot strike back.

Mathematically, if Russ takes full advantage of Breaker of Shields, Bringer of Ruin then Horus loses the fight in 7 rounds (4 game turns!) while Russ still has 2.67 Wounds left. Whoah.

  • Do note that IWND messes up the math a little at face value for Talon of Horus. Since Russ does not gain characteristics back that he lost because of Severing Strike, he'll appear to have fewer unsaved Wounds than he actually does.

The above was based on Russ' armour before it got nerfed, which before would make -2 to hits against by round two. Now it is only -1 for the entire battle.

Recalculations from Reddit by u/Fromageopain, showing Horus' win:

  • Round 1 (Russ's turn, 7 attacks from charge. If turns are swapped, still 7 from Counter-Attack, but Horus makes IWND first)
    • Russ [6 Wounds, WS9, S6, 2 attacks with Balenight, 5 attacks with Helwinter]
      • Hits 1.333 times with Balenight and 3.912 times with Helwinter, wounds 1 time with Balenight, 3.2601 times with Helwinter and add 1.091 for Sever Life. That leads to 1.7833 wounds after saves.
    • Horus [4.222 Wounds, 6 Talon attacks]
      • Hits 2 times, wound 1.778 times, 0.889 wounds after saves and 0.444 after IWND.
  • Round 2 (Horus' turn)
    • Russ [5.444 Wounds, WS9, S6, 2 Balenight 4 Helwinter]
      • Hits 1.333 times with Balenight and 3.201 times with Helwinter, wounds 1 time with Balenight, 2.668 times with Helwinter and add 1.091 for Sever Life. That leads to 1.586 wounds after saves and 1.253 after IWND
    • Horus [2.969 Wounds, 6 Talon]
      • Hits 2 time, wounds 1.778 times, 0.889 wounds after saves.
  • Round 3 (Russ' turn)
    • Russ [4.555 Wounds, WS8, S5, 4 Balenight 2 Helwinter]
      • Hits 1.5 times with Balenight and 1.375 times with Helwinter, wounds 1.111 times with Balenight and 1.407 times with Helwinter and add 1.091 for Sever Life. That leads to 1.203 wounds after saves.
    • Horus [1.766 Wounds, 6 Talon]
      • Hits 2 times, wound 1.778 times, 0.889 wounds after saves and 0.444 after IWND.
  • Round 4 (Horus' Turn)
    • Russ [4.111 Wounds, WS7, S4 (he is over 4 wounds thanks to IWND, but lost his characteristics since the talon wounded 4 times), 6 Balenight]
      • Hits 3 times , wounds 0.917 times and add 1.091 for Sever Life (let's be kind), 0.669 wounds after saves and 0.335 after IWND.
    • Horus [1.430 Wounds, 5 Talon 1 Worldbreaker]
      • Hits 2.5 times with Talon and 0.75 times with Worldbreaker. wounds 2.222 and 0.625 times. That leads to 1.111 and 0.313 wounds after saves.
  • Round 5: (Russ's turn)
    • Russ [2.687 Wounds, WS6, S3, 6 Balenight]
      • Hits 3 times , wounds 0.917 times, add 1.091 with Sever Life (let's be kind again), 0.669 wounds after saves.
    • Horus, [0.761 Wounds, 5 Talon 1 Worldbreaker]
      • Hits 2.5 time with Talon and 0.75 times with Worldbreaker, wounds 2.222 and 0.625 times. That leads to 1.111 and 0.313 wounds after saves. IWND brings this down to 1.09 wounds
  • Round 6: (Horus' Turn)
    • Russ [1.596 Wounds (IWND), WS5, S2, 6 attacks on Helwinter (Str2 cannot hurt T6)]
      • Hits 3 times , wounds 0.582 times, 0.194 wounds after saves (not enough to actually kill Horus) and IWND will mean that Horus will actually heal more than Leman inflicts, resulting Horus gaining 0.139 wounds at the end of the turn
    • Horus [0.900 Wounds, 5 Talon 1 Worldbreaker]
      • Hits 2.5 time with Talon and 0.75 times with Worldbreaker, wounds 2.222 and 0.625 times. That leads to 1.111 and 0.313 wounds after saves.
  • Round 7: (Russ's turn)
    • Russ [0.172 Wounds, WS4, S1, all attacks on Helwinter]
      • Hits 3 times , wounds 0.582 times, 0.194 wounds after saves.
    • Horus [0.761 Wounds, gain +d3 attacks] and finish Leman...

Keep in mind that these results are made considering that Sever Life will apply regardless of Horus successfully saving the wounds inflicted by Balenight which is greatly benefiting Russ and is probably not the way the rule is supposed to work. On a side note, if Sever Life only triggers when Horus suffers an unsaved wound from Balenight, then the fight is way more one sided in Horus' favor because Leman would have to make more attacks using the sword in order to trigger Sever Life, losing damage since the axe hits harder than the sword.

The Wolf-king also has a secret weapon: Wolves... yeah. Russ can choose to have both his dogs accompany him, both of which are characters. Thanks to how wound allocation and challenges work, Russ can force Horus to engage with the dogs instead of him for 2 whole rounds, making Horus use Worldbreaker to ID the dogs, since if he uses the Talon it'll take 3 wounds total to kill the dogs and he can tank the full Worldbreaker on himself to stop the other dog from dying too fast, which prevents his stats from dropping early. By that point there is a high probability Horus will be on his last couple wounds if not already dead when the attacks from the wolves are added in to augment Leman Russ. Meaning Horus will simply die even faster. Emperor's Executioner indeed.


Thanks to HH6: Retribution, the Mechanicum has its primarch-like character. Anacharis Scoria, lord of Xana and the first of the Dark Mechanicum used to be able to easily kill Horus thanks to a 3+ Invuln, Feel No Pain, and a weapon that wounds automatically and causes D3 wounds at AP2 per hit (making Horus' talon worthless). This allowed him to kill Horus in 5 rounds, whereas Horus needed 6 to kill him in return. He also got nerfed in the same FAQ that nerfed Russ, so now Horus kills him too.


  • Ah too many wolves.

The Primarchs of the Space MarineLegions
Primarch Zero
Corvus Corax - Ferrus Manus - Jaghatai Khan
Leman Russ - Lion El'Jonson - Roboute Guilliman
Rogal Dorn - Sanguinius - Vulkan
Alpharius/Omegon - Angron - Fulgrim -
Horus - Konrad Curze/Night Haunter - Lorgar
Magnus the Red - Mortarion - Perturabo
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